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以海南岛为研究区域,选用5个大气环流模式(GCMs)1970−1999年的逐日输出数据和同期地面气象观测数据,使用空间插值降尺度到0.5°×0.5°格网。以格网单元为基础,应用系统误差修订(修正值法或比值法)和多模式集合平均方法(贝叶斯模型平均法BMA或等权重平均法EW),训练与验证GCMs输出值并进行综合修订。在此基础上,分析RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,未来海南岛近期(2020−2059年)和远期(2060−2099年)农业水热资源,包括年平均气温、1月平均气温、≥10℃积温、≥20℃积温、年降水量、1月降水量和≥20℃界限温度生长期间降水量的变化特征。结果表明:GCMs输出值的系统误差和BMA权重系数在格网间存在较大的空间差异,且GCMs输出值低估逐日最高气温约3.55℃,高估逐日最低气温约1.19℃,逐日降水量仅为观测值的54.35%。基于格网的综合修订,可有效降低GCMs输出值在空间上的不确定性,BMA与EW的修订结果相似,均优于单一GCM模式。通过格网BMA综合修订后,最高气温、最低气温和降水量在验证期的相关系数r分别约提升0.10、0.07和0.06;均方根误差RMSE分别约降低2.38℃、1.01℃和1.01mm;较单一GCM相对观测值的偏差平均约减少3.25℃、1.13℃和25.67mm。未来海南岛农业热量资源在空间上主要表现为从中部向外围逐渐升高,高温主要分布在南部至西部沿海地区,年平均气温的增幅全岛较为接近,1月平均气温、≥10℃积温和≥20℃积温的增幅分别表现为由东向西、由北向南和由中部向外围递减。在时间上,RCP8.5情景下所有农业热量资源均为极显著增加且增温最快,RCP4.5情景为先增加后平缓,RCP2.6情景较为平缓,远期无显著增温。未来海南岛降水资源在空间上转为由东向西逐步递减的格局,南部和北部沿海地区降水变率增加,西部和中部降水变率减少,在时间上无显著变化趋势。随着未来海南岛气候变暖和降水格局的改变,农作物适宜种植面积扩大,会对农业生产带来巨大挑战,应提前布局,做好趋利避害。  相似文献   
二甲基二硫的生物活性评价及对土壤养分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内生物活性测定方法,评价二甲基二硫(dimethyl disulfide,DMDS)对土壤病原线虫和土传病原菌的毒力,比较不同浓度药剂处理对土壤理化性质和土壤呼吸的影响,为探究DMDS作为新型土壤熏蒸剂提供切实可行性的依据。结果表明:DMDS熏蒸对土传病原线虫和镰刀菌属的LD_(50)分别为4.743 mg/kg和1.513 mg/kg,可见DMDS对病原线虫和镰刀菌有良好的生物活性。对土壤理化性质进行数据分析发现:DMDS能显著增加土壤铵态氮含量,抑制硝化作用过程,减少NO~-_3-N的产生,提高植物可吸收态氮素水平。DMDS处理的土壤有机质含量和电导率均显著高于对照土壤,而土壤pH和速效钾含量较对照均有降低。此外,熏蒸土壤中有效磷含量较对照减少,但两者无显著差异。对DMDS熏蒸后土壤进行底物诱导呼吸试验,表明DMDS能够在试验初期抑制土壤微生物生物量。本试验结果可为指导DMDS的科学使用提供理论依据及对土壤微生物活性的影响作出科学评价。  相似文献   
 稻曲病是一种水稻穗部病害,在世界各水稻主产区均有发生,已成为世界性病害,在我国也属于水稻主要病害之一。稻曲病的发生严重影响水稻产量和稻米品质。研究其病原菌致病机制,对找寻防治药物的特异性靶标具有重要作用,可为抗病分子育种提供新的思路,为稻曲病菌防治药剂研发提供新的靶标。本文综述了稻曲病菌侵染过程、致病相关基因功能研究、水稻响应稻曲病菌侵染等方面的研究进展,提出进一步研究的策略。现有研究表明,稻曲病菌能成功侵染水稻孕穗期雄蕊的花丝引起发病。病原菌可通过抑制多个水稻免疫途径实现成功侵染;还可模仿胚珠受精激活水稻灌浆、糖代谢等途径为稻曲球的形成提供营养物质;全基因组测序完成和基因编辑技术在基因敲除中的成功应用,为稻曲病菌功能基因研究提供了很好的基础。稻曲病菌独特的侵染过程和营养利用机制是未来研究的重要方向。  相似文献   
云南省德宏州发现3种草地贪夜蛾幼虫寄生蜂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
重大迁飞性害虫草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith)自2019年1月入侵我国以来,已对我国粮食安全构成重大威胁。为加速对我国草地贪夜蛾寄生性天敌资源的发掘与防治潜能的评估,我们于2019年9月-11月对云南省德宏州玉米和小麦上草地贪夜蛾的寄生性天敌开展田间调查并对采集到的天敌进行分子鉴定。共发现3种草地贪夜蛾幼虫寄生蜂,分别为斯氏侧沟茧蜂Microplitis similis Lyle、半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum Hellen和斜纹夜蛾长距姬小蜂Euplectrus laphygmae Ferrière,田间最高自然寄生率分别为12.00%、22.30%和5.33%。另外,田间调查发现在玉米和大豆上斯氏侧沟茧蜂还可寄生与草地贪夜蛾同属的斜纹夜蛾S.litura幼虫;在大豆和杂草上斜纹夜蛾长距姬小蜂可寄生甜菜夜蛾S.exigua幼虫。本研究将为今后开展草地贪夜蛾天敌昆虫的保护和利用提供重要参考。  相似文献   
为明确市售昆虫病原线虫制剂对蜂巢小甲虫(Aethina tumida)幼虫和蛹的致病力,为该害虫的防治提供新的技术措施,室内采用浸渍法、土壤法测定了5种不同品系昆虫病原线虫对蜂巢小甲虫末龄老熟幼虫和蛹的致病力,采用土壤法测定了小卷蛾斯氏线虫(Steinernema carpocapsae All)不同施用时间、不同施用剂量对蜂巢小甲虫幼虫致病力的影响。浸渍法生物测定结果表明,5种不同品系昆虫病原线虫对蜂巢小甲虫幼虫的致病力差异很大,其中小卷蛾斯氏线虫All侵染4 d、12 d后,蜂巢小甲虫幼虫的校正死亡率分别为67.50%±0.05%和72.36%±3.14%,均显著高于其他品系。土壤法生物测定结果表明,昆虫病原线虫对蜂巢小甲虫幼虫具有明显的致死作用,其中小卷蛾斯氏线虫All对蜂巢小甲虫幼虫的侵染效果达100%,显著高于其他线虫品系。蜂巢小甲虫幼虫入土后,按不同时间顺序施用小卷蛾斯氏线虫All,结果表明14 d前施用均能取得良好的防治效果。侵染期线虫小卷蛾斯氏线虫All与蜂巢小甲虫幼虫数量之比大于213∶1时,防治效果最佳。因此小卷蛾斯氏线虫All具有防治蜂巢小甲虫的潜力,可在发生蜂巢小甲虫危害的蜂场推荐使用。  相似文献   
Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür) (Hemiptera: Miridae) tends to feed on young plant tissues. To explore the relationship between stylet probing behaviors of adult A. lucorum and conditions of cotton leaves, we conducted an experiment using electropenetrography (EPG). Behaviors were recorded on four cotton varieties, in relation to thickness and biochemical traits of differently-aged leaves. Cotton leaf age had a significant effect on the probing behavior of A. lucorum but cotton variety did not. One-day-old leaves of A. lucorum received the highest mean number of stylet probes (penetrations) per insect, and longest mean durations per insect of combined stylet probing or its components, cell rupture and ingestion behaviors. All of the leaf traits (thickness and biochemical substances) were similar among these four cotton varieties. Leaf thickness had a significantly negative effect on the same four variables above. Gossypol and tannin also had a negative impact on combined probing duration. Redundancy analysis showed that the four EPG variables were closely related to nutrient substances (amino acids, sugar, and water) while they had the opposite relationship with plant defense substances (gossypol and tannin). On cotton in the seedling stages, A. lucorum fed more readily on the youngest, thinnest leaves in our no-choice EPG experiments. Nutrients and chemical resistance substances determined the probing duration of A. lucorum. Our findings can contribute to better understanding of patterns of feeding and host consumption by A. lucorum, ultimately improving cotton resistance to A. lucorum.  相似文献   
For the fifth year, BMC Ecology is proud to present the winning images from our annual image competition. The 2017 edition received entries by talented shutterbug-ecologists from across the world, showcasing research that is increasing our understanding of ecosystems worldwide and the beauty and diversity of life on our planet. In this editorial we showcase the winning images, as chosen by our Editorial Board and guest judge Chris Darimont, as well as our selection of highly commended images. Enjoy!  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to find the best practice of inducing the sprouting of dormant potato tubers. We compared two protocols of breakage of dormancy, which are based on dipping excised potato eyes in an aqueous solution of gibberellic acid (GA3) and kinetin (standard 1) or in the aqueous solution of GA3, thiourea, and daminozide (standard 2), with a newly reported approach based on ethanol. We tested the effect of ethanol alone or in combination with GA3 and/or kinetin on dormancy release and sprouting of the potato tubers. As a model, we used two potato genotypes (cultivars Pasat and Dorota), with long dormancy of 5 and 10 weeks respectively. We showed that the standard 2 was the most effective treatment both for dormancy breaking and in promoting sprout growth, especially for cv. Dorota, for which the treatment induced 82.3% of tuber eye-plugs to sprout 28 days after treatment and to produce 93.2% of emerged plants after subsequent 28 days of cultivation in the greenhouse. For this cultivar, similar efficacy was observed for the combination of 4% ethanol with GA3 and kinetin. The same concentration of ethanol combined with GA3 but without kinetin was the most efficient treatment for breaking dormancy of cultivar Pasat. However, the difference between the various treatment combinations was statistically insignificant. Ethanol alone or in combination with kinetin poorly induced breakage of dormancy, confirming the main role of GA3 in artificial dormancy breaking. Thus our study showed that the standard 2 is the most effective approach for breakage of dormancy at least with long term-dormancy cultivars.  相似文献   
To identify the possible quarantine viruses in seven common sunflower varieties imported from the United States of America and the Netherlands, we tested total RNAs extracted from the leaf tissues using next-generation sequencing of small RNAs. After analysis of small RNA sequencing data, no any quarantine virus was found, but a double-stranded RNA(dsRNA) molecule showing typical genomic features of endornavirus was detected in two varieties, X3939 and SH1108. Full-length sequence and phylogenetic analysis showed that it is a novel endornavirus, temporarily named as Helianthus annuus alphaendornavirus(HaEV). Its full genome corresponds to a 14 662-bp dsRNA segment, including a 21-nt 5′ untranslated region(UTR), 3' UTR ending with the unique sequence CCCCCCCC and lacking a poly(A) tail. An open reading frame(ORF) that encodes a deduced 4 867 amino acids(aa) polyprotein with three domains: RdRP, Hel and UGT(UDP-glycosyltransferase). HaEV mainly distributed in the cytoplasm but less in the nucleus of leaf cells by fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) experiment. This virus has a high seed infection rate in the five varieties, X3907, X3939, A231, SH1108 and SR1320. To our knowledge, this is the first report about the virus of the family Endornaviridae in the common sunflower.  相似文献   
正小麦蓝矮病(Wheat blue dwarf,WBD)是我国西北麦区一种重要植原体病害,在我国西部地区危害严重。该病害由异沙叶蝉(Psammotettix alienus L.)专化性传播,介体传毒成为病害流行的重要中心环节[1]。本实验室前期通过免疫荧光标记研究发现WBD植原体免疫膜蛋白(immunodominant membrane protein, IMP)与介体异沙叶蝉肌动蛋白互作,说明IMP在植原体传播和致病过程中起关键作用。  相似文献   
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